Advanced Student Shakuhachi

Made from Japanese Torachiku (Tiger Bamboo) or Madaké Bamboo


Japanese Torachiku (Tiger Bamboo)


Japanese Madaké Bamboo

Advanced Student Shakuhachi are a grade between the Student and Professional model flutes.
High-quality, cast bore instruments used extensively by teachers of traditional music for their intermediate students. These flutes are made from torachiku (Tiger Bamboo) or specially-selected madaké cut above but close to the root of the bamboo. They are available in the complete range of sizes.

Catalog #  Key Japanese Name Size Length-cm.  Length-in.
TH-1 G I Shaku San Sun 1.3' 40.0 cm. 15 3/4"
 TH-2 F# I Shaku Yon Sun 1.4' 43.0  cm. 16 15/16"
TH-3 F I Shaku Go Sun 1.5' 46.0 cm. 18 1/8"
TH-4 E I Shaku Roku Sun 1.6' 48.5 cm. 19 1/8"
TH-5 Eb I Shaku Nana Sun 1.7' 52.0 cm. 20 1/2"
*TH-6 D I Shaku Ha Sun 1.8' 54.5 cm. 21 7/16"
TH-7 C# I Shaku Kyu Sun 1.9' 59.0 cm. 23 1/4"
TH-8 C Ni Shaku 2.0' 62.5 cm. 24 5/8"
**TH-9 B Ni Shaku I Sun 2.1' 66.0 cm 26"
**TH-10 Bb Ni Shaku San Sun, 2.3' 70.0 cm. 27 1/16"
**TH-11 A Ni Shaku Yon Sun 2.4' 75.0 cm. 29 9/16"
**TH-12 G Ni Shaku Ha Sun 2.8' 84.0 cm. 33 1/16"

*The 1.8' I Shaku Ha Sun (Key of D) is the Classical Shakuhachi and the size first used by students of the traditional music. All of the playing guides listed in this catalog are keyed to the 1.8' shakuhachi.

**Please specify which hand plays top and bottom notes as holes are offset for ease of fingering.

OPTIONAL BINDING is available for all Advanced Student Shakuhachi.

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Price List for Advanced Student Shakuhachi

Tai Hei Shakuhachi Catalog
Shakuhachi: The Sound of Nature
Origins & History of the Shakuhachi
Bamboo Used for Shakuhachi
Precision Cast Bore Technology

Models of Shakuhachi
Professional Root-End Shakuhachi
Jinashi - Natural Bore Flutes
Advanced Student Level Shakuhachi

Student Level Shakuhachi
Meditation Shakuhachi

Shakuhachi Headjoint for the Silver Flute
Traditional Styles
How Shakuhachi are Graded
Flute Accessories
Shakuhachi Repair & Restoration
Frequently Asked Questions
Free Evaluation

Price List of Shakuhachi Flutes

In Stock & Currently For Sale
Precision Bore Shakuhachi
Jinashi - Natural Bore Shakuhachi
How to Order

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